Magic of Saturn controllers

Magic of Saturn controllers


Saturn is new F# web framework that implements well know design pattern - MVC - in more functional way. Despite Saturn being fairly young project it’s getting more and more popular among F# community and industrial users. One of the main Saturn’s goals is to create high level abstractions that will enable developers to focus on writing domain, business code instead of focusing on creating correct routing for your application or setting right response headers. One of such abstractions, that I want to talk about today, is controller.

This article was created for Saturn version 0.7.x

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OSS and Community. The Story

OSS and Community. The Story


Before, we even start - this blog post will be different than others on the page. I usually write about some technical things, sometimes about open source and community based software, but I always try to be rather objective. And this post will be different. It’s totally subjective and personal… because it’s about me, and my story with F# Community.

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Reinventing MVC pattern for web programming with F#

Reinventing MVC pattern for web programming with F#


A couple of weeks ago, I’ve posted yet-another-controversial-tweet - this time criticizing F# libraries for web programming and saying that “they focus on wrong problem”. In this post I’d like to expand this thought a bit, describe what is, in my opinion, problem with those libraries, and introduce a project that will try to fix those problems.

DISCLAIMER: In the original tweet I’ve mentioned three libraries - Suave, Giraffe, and Freya. First of all, if we were to talk about all major F# web solutions we should also mention WebSharper. Secondly, my experience with Freya and WebSharper is fairly limited - I’ve never used any of them in commercial application - so in this post I won’t talk about them but focus on Suave and Giraffe

DISCLAIMER 2: I really like both Suave and Giraffe - I’ve been using Suave for years in multiple commercial applications and I think it’s really good project. Also I’ve been investigating and testing Giraffe for last couple of months and I also believe it’s good project with a bright future.

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Path to Community based Open Source Software

Path to Community based Open Source Software


Open Source movement has changed the software development world as much as only few things before. Nowadays, it’s almost impossible to develop any project without using OSS - we can be sure that some parts of our stack are developed in the open - from the libraries we download from the package managers, through runtime, to compilers that we are using. Even most conservative, and not-so-long-time-ago actively hostile to OSS companies are now trying to embrace Open Source development.

But putting code in open by uploading to GitHub, using one of the licenses formally accepted by the Open Source Initiative is just first step. In my opinion, the real value of the Open Source is not just license, and publicly available code (although, those things are also valuable on their own) but rather possible change in governance model, collaboration with Community and embracing “OSS Culture”.

In this post I’ll describe different “stages of enlightenment” that company can go through in its path to the Open Source development model that will bring most value to both company and community.

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Using Paket with Azure Functions

Using Paket with Azure Functions


Azure Functions is Microsoft’s implementation of serverless architecture hosted on Azure. It is a solution for easily running small pieces of code, or “functions,” in the cloud. You can write just the code you need for the problem at hand, without worrying about a whole application or the infrastructure to run it. Functions can be written in many different languages, including F#.

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